07 March, 2012

KHS ku sayang, KHS ku malang

Jadi gini nih ya temen2. Aku gak banyak ngepost karna jujur aja sibuk sama banyak urusan. Selain itu di Samarinda ini modem menjelma menjadi sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak bersahabat. Gak ada sinyal yang cukup, dikit-dikit disconnect. Pokonya nyebelin abis deh. Nah kemaren juga aku sibuk bukain Portal Universitas Mularman untuk ngeliat Kartu Hasil Studi. Seharian aku itu kadang duduk depan laptop ngerefresh halaman Portal Universitas Mularman cuma buat ngecek nilai. Dan barulah hari ini semua nilai keluar. YA, HARI INI. Hampir satu setengah bulan. Dan dalam selama itu menunggu, ada 3 mata kuliah yang nilainya E. Iya, E. Nilai paling jelek atau sama dengan 0.

Sumpah aku sebel banget. Aku pergi dari rumah ceritanya mau menuntut ilmu demi masa depan yang cerah, terpisah dari keluarga dirumah 116km, terpisah dari orang-orang yang aku sayang di Kota Balikpapan, eeeeeeehhhhhh nilai semester satu masalah salah salah input. Udah gitu keluarnya setengah setengah lagi, padahal SPP gak pernah bayar setenga setengah. Ini adalah mungkin bisa dibilang puncak kekesalan saya sebagai seorang masiwi. Apalagi KHS nya itu mau saya buat ngurus beasiswa Paaakk, Buuuuu..... Beasiswa itu bagaikan sambungan urat nadi diakhir bulan...

18 February, 2012

There's one in a million reasons why I love Adele

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins. Tottenham, London, 5 May 1988. A contralto woman who stole my heart so much deep. I don't know why I love her voice so much, I love her smile, her performance, all about her. Adele give me a spirit in my soul everyday, when I listen to her song and follow her song, we sing together. I know a thousand miles there, far far faaarrr away, she don't know me. But Adele, you know, once more, you have stolen my heart..

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins

Adele's albums :

HOMETOWN GLORY (22 October 2007)
1. Hometown Glory

CHASING PAVEMENTS (21 January 2008)
1. Chasing Pavements
2. That’s It I Quit I’m Movin’ On

19 (28 January 2008)
1. Daydreamer
2. Best For Last
3. Chasing Pavements
4. Cold Shoulder
5. Crazy For You
6. Melt My Heart To Stone
7. First Love
8. Right As Rain
9. Make You Feel My Love
10. My Same
11. Tired
12. Hometown Glory

COLD SHOULDER (21 April 2008)
1. Cold Shoulder
2. Now And Then

21 (24 January 2011)
24th January UK
22nd February US/CAN

1. Rolling In The Deep
2. Rumour Has It
3. Turning Tables
4. Don’t You Remember
5. Set Fire To The Rain
6. He Won’t Go
7. Take It All
8. I’ll Be Waiting
9. One and Only
10. Love Song
11. Someone Like You

Adele takes home 6 Grammy Awards including “Record of the Year”, “Song of the Year” and “Album of the Year” tying the record held by BeyoncĂ© for most Grammy Awards won by a female artist in a single year. Adele took home honors in the following categories:

Record of the Year (“Rolling in the Deep”)
Album of the Year (“21”)
Song of the Year (“Rolling in the Deep”)
Best Pop Solo Performance (“Someone Like You”)
Best Pop Vocal Album (“21”)
Best Short Form Music Video (“Rolling in the Deep”)

ssstttt... a man beside Adele is Simon, her boyfriend ;p

Rolling In The Deep on 54th Grammy

There's one in a million reasons why I love Adele. Come to Jakarta please, sweety. And I swear, I'll be there to watch you!